I understand where you are coming from Dragon Saga. And you have a valid point.

I am not saying that every wrestling match has to have blading (which is not an "attitude era gimmick" as someone else said...blading goes back to the very beginning of wrestling...the 1950's at least.)

All I am saying is that since the invention of HIAC in 1997 many of the matches that took place that gave the cell such mystique were often matches that involved blading, weapons, escaping the cell, doing moves off the top, doing moves on top of the cell, etc etc. And yes, HBK, Taker, and Trips pioneered these very matches. I think when Trips looks at Taker and says "Let's do it HELL IN A CELL!" I think most fans think of what I stated above. That's what you think of when you think of HIAC.

I'm saying that WWE has watered it down into a standard steel cage match that doesn't mean much and the quality of the cell matches has decreased over time.
